Did CMT Fire Program Director Over Jason Aldean Controversy?

Jason Aldean / YouTube
Shawn Lealos

The news that CMT was bringing back the Jason Aldean video “Try That In a Small Town” has started spreading on social media. On top of that, the same news article indicates that CMT fired its program director for taking it off the air, to begin with.

Here is what you need to know about this trending story.

CMT did not fire its program director after Jason Aldean controversy

The news being shared on Twitter indicates that CMT has reinstated the controversial Jason Aldean song, “Try That In a Small Town,” to its playlist. On top of that, the same story revealed that CMT fired its longtime Program Director, Sandy Jerdusky, after he pulled it from the rotation. Up-and-coming radio personality Joe Barron was tabbed to replace him, per the article.

Jason Aldean / YouTube

However, while people have shared this as factual, the article is, in fact, a satire article written for a site that specializes in satire articles. The site is the Dunning-Kruger Times. The About Us page said it writes articles for “Taters,” which it describes as older, mostly White people, who believe anything they read on the Internet.

The article grew more ludicrous as it wore on. It claimed that a CMT statement said that Sandy made a “unilateral decision.” It then stated this is “contrary to country values.” The article then claimed to talk to Joe Barron, who claimed he didn’t know much about Sandy. “I have some questions about some lost time at a Christmas party,” Barron said, “but otherwise he seemed like a pretty nice guy.”

CMT then said in the last paragraph that they have one or two extra episodes of the Durham Show to get them by and then the rep said that they would get “what’s his…oh yeah…Jason. It’ll be sure nice to have Jason. Back.” They then thanked the Patriots.

On a side note, The Dunning–Kruger Effect is a psychological term meaning “being ignorant of one’s own ignorance.”

Several fake news articles spreading about Jason Aldean

It seems that people on Twitter are spreading these fake articles, even when people pointed out that they are fake. The one about CMT Program Director, Sandy Jerdusky even had a photo of Jerry Sandusky, the convicted serial child molester from Penn State as the featured image.


This article has been one of many spreading around Twitter without any fact-checking. Another article claims that Blake Shelton canceled a $30 million deal with CMT – a deal that never existed in real life. There was another that said Luke Bryan pulled his videos from CMT, which he never did. However, that one fooled Neal McCoy, who seemingly believed it was true and stood in solidarity with Luke. There was even one that said Hank Williams Jr. quit the CMT board of directors, another fake story that gained traction.

Are you surprised that so many people are getting fooled by these fake news articles? Is it making light of the situation or is it making things worse? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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