Bunnie XO Shut Down Bigot Protester Who Claims Tie To Jelly Roll

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Saturday, February 8th, the wife of country music star Jelly Roll, Bunnie XO took to social media to set the record straight. Bunnie’s TikTok post came shortly after one of the Nashville counter-protestors told Fox News that he was associated with Bunnie XO’s husband, Jelly Roll. The individual had used Jelly’s name while counter-protesting Nashville’s iteration of the 50 Protest, 50 States, One Day Movement. Keep reading to find out more!
Counter Protestor Makes Bigoted Remarks Toward Protestors
In a quite serious post, Bunnie XO addressed something very important to the family. She aimed to set the record straight when it came to her husband’s connection to counter-protester Johnny Constantine. This weekend Constantine was counter-protesting a national initiative from groups that represent diversity rights, LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and immigrant’s rights causes. Bunnie XO posted on TikTok her responses to the claims that Johnny was associated with Bunnie’s famous husband, Jelly Roll.

Johnny had informed a reporter for Fox News that he previously was employed with Jelly. Constantine was quoted saying “Yeah, I worked with Jelly Roll, and they don’t have nothing to do with my political views.” Johnny continued to explain he was present at the protest to “Stand for all the legal immigrants that came to this country.” He ranted that the other individuals present were “f—king ugly homosexuals” and “Hamas terrorist supporters.” Johny complained there were “Supposed to (be) some patriots out here, I guess it’s just me and a handful of these other old sons.”
Bunnie Is Quick To Respond To Johnny Constantine
During the interview with Fox News, Johnny Constantine identified himself as a legal Artinian immigrant. He was also witnessed harassing by standing protestors. Johnny Constantine associated himself with country music superstar Jelly Roll by claiming he was employed by the star. During the protest, Constantine drew attention to himself by heckling and ranting at the protestors. Johnny utilized racist, homophobic, expletives to rant at groups trying to protect the rights of others.

Bunnies response to Johnny Constantine name-dropping her husband, Bunnie was quick to shut down any assertion that Jelly Roll is tied to Constantine in any way. Bunnie looks at the camera just baffled and says:
“Bro. No you do not! We do not claim that energy over here.” Bunnie XO also joked “I work for Madonna. I also was the first person to ever walk on the moon. And Dolly Parton? Nope, you got it wrong. Bunnie Parton. It’s really me, I also invented the Heimlich maneuver. So, you’re welcome.”
Mrs. Roll also encouraged her fans to not believe what they see on the Internet.

Jelly Roll And Bunnie XO’s Political View Point
Jelly Roll and his wife Bunnie Xo Have not ever endorsed a specific party candidate or political affiliation. The couple is vocal about their passion for speaking out about prison reform and incarcerated person’s rights. Jelly and Bunnie are eager to address issues that they hold dear. Mr. Roll testified to Congress regarding his plight with the fentanyl and opioid epidemic.
Jelly Roll has faced criticism over some of his views. Jelly was able to attend a UFC fight in New York City where he met U.S. President Donald Trump. Jelly Roll was friendly with President Trump and this resulted in some backlash, where he had to explain to his fans that he was raised to respect the position of United States president no matter his political leanings. Jelly Roll continued to explain that he would have the same reaction when meeting a democratic president.