Whose Baby Does Luke Bryan Babysit?! See Photo

Luke Bryan babysit

Luke Bryan is no stranger to taking care of children. Luke and his wife, Caroline, have two sons. The boys are Thomas Boyer (Bo), 12, and Tatum Christopher, 11. Not only that, in 2014 Luke and Caroline adopt Luke’s two nieces, Jordan and Kris, and his nephew, Til. This all happens after the tragic passing of his sister and brother-in-law in a short period of time. 

Luke Bryan has a proven track record of being good with kids

While the fact that Luke Bryan is good with kids should come as no surprise, it is shocking to see him on Tyler Farr’s Instagram holding a small baby. Earlier this year, Tyler Farr and his wife, Hannah had a baby girl. Unfortunately, the birth wasn’t without complications. Little Miss came six weeks earlier than planned and had to spend some time in the NICU. People reports that her early birth is likely the result of preeclampsia and “blood pressure issues.”

However, Hollis Caroline Farr born January 27, 2021, weighing 4lbs., 20z, and measuring a little longer than 19 inches seems to be doing well according to her adoring father, Tyler Farr’s Instagram page. It appears that Hollis’s daddy isn’t the only one that dotes on her.


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The American Idol judge seems enamored with the little bundle of joy.

Luke Bryan seems completely enamored with the little girl from the photo that Tyler Farr recently posts on Instagram. The two seem like they’re in a staring contest. Notably, the baby seems completely content in her babysitter’s arms. One fan remarks that “she’s looking at him pretty much the same way most women look at him. Better watch out @tylerfarr, I think she has her first crush already!”


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While inquiring minds may have a lot of questions from this photo, there aren’t a whole lot of details. Tyler captions the photo with, “Little babes had quite the babysitter last night,” and tags his buddy, Luke Bryan. One of the first comments is from Luke’s wife. She leaves three red heart emojis. So, it’s hard to tell if Caroline was assisting her husband or not. 

Are you shocked to see Luke Bryan holding a baby on Tyler Farr’s Instagram? Do you think Luke makes a great babysitter? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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