Carly Pearce Updates Fans On Heart Condition

Carly Pearce via Insta 1
Jamie Colclasure

Country singer Carly Pearce is sharing a health update with fans. She announced around the end of May that she was diagnosed with a heart condition. The diagnosis caused her to have to take her doctor’s advice and alter her shows a bit. Now, it’s been nearly a month since she first shared the news and she’s giving fans an update. Keep reading to find out more.

Carly Pearce Updates Fans On Her Heart Condition

Country superstar Carly Pearce is only 34 years old. However, she is facing some health issues that have arisen. At the time when she shared the diagnosis with fans, she advised them all to pay attention to what their body is telling them.

She noted that she is young, healthy and watches what she eats but it still happened to her. When she shared her medical issues she did so on Instagram. Carly has always tried to be honest and transparent with fans and felt this should be no different.  She said, “You guys know that I’ve been dealing with some health issues and through that, I have developed something called pericarditis, which is a heart issue.”

Carly Pearce via YOuTube 1

Carly went to Instagram once more to share an update on her condition. She shared a photo of her outside in workout clothes. She said,

A little health update! It’s been a month since this crazy heart stuff happened & have learned a few things I felt like sharing.
1) you don’t have to over exercise every single day to feel good
2) medication sucks!
3) walking is a great form of mental & physical exercise
4) mindset is everything
5) change is hard but can be a really good thing
For those of you asking- I’m getting better every day & feeling more like myself! I’ll be running around like my usual self before you know it 😊❤️ thanks for all of the prayers. I have felt them every single day.


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Fans Have Been Sending Well Wishes For Carly

Fans have been very supportive of Carly Pearce. Many told her they were glad she is feeling better. Others said they have been praying for her. Still, others commended her on her bravery and thanked her for sharing her health journey with them.

One fan even told her that she is an inspiration to so many people around the globe. Others shared that they have experienced heart problems as well. Many have seen her perform since she first shared her diagnosis and said her show was still amazing.

Carly is currently touring with country legend Tim McGraw.

What do you think of Carly’s update? Have you or anyone you know had the same diagnosis?

Stay tuned for more updates from Carly and all your country music favorites.

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