Luke Bryan Cancels Another Show, Third One In A Week

Luke Bryan Photo
Mandy Robinson

Luke Bryan calls off another concert. Unfortunately, that’s three in total over the past weekend. What’s going on with him? Should fans be concerned about him canceling another show? To find out more about the country music star continue reading.

Luke Bryan Cancels Another Show

In the midst of his new single titled, “But I Got A Beer In My Hand” which has already made the top 15 on country radio, Luke Bryan’s plans to promote his song for an upcoming album have come to a halt. But why though? The American Idol judge shared with his fans on Friday, August 4th which was supposed to be the day of his Salt Lake City, Utah performance that, ” For the past couple of weeks I’ve been battling a head cold”. He also stated that days before his set show, he’s been preparing and everything went well. But sadly, due to him not feeling well he has had to postpone this concert until August 31st.

The following day Luke Bryan went back to Twitter, to update his followers to let them know that after seeking “medical attention” he following the orders of his doctor and will not be able to perform one again. This concert was scheduled for Boise, Idaho. He made sure his fans knew how disappointed he was in his decision. Explaining, “Under the advisement of doctors I need another day to rest my voice and get better”. Getting better is important and that is the main priority Luke is focusing on.

Luke Details Canceling Latest Show

Yesterday on August 6th Luke intended to be at the Watershed Music Festival in George, Washington however, health wise he was still unable to perform. He went on to tell fans how this situation is “frustrating” and how he regrets letting everyone down. For any musical artist telling fans, that you can’t perform for any reason is difficult. But these artists are people too, so hopefully fans will understand and support him as he goes to get well.

Health comes first and the fans would rather see their favorite singer be better, so he can come back stronger and be able to perform a great show.


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Do you think Luke Bryan made the right decision in, canceling his concerts? Or do you think he could have done things differently? Be sure to let us know your views on this situation in the comments.


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