Jelly Roll Caught Shoving Most Hated Man On WWE

Jelly Roll WWE

Jelly Roll went from his front-row seat on Monday night’s WWE Raw, in Nashville, to getting involved with a wrestler outside of the ring.

The famous singer of “Save Me,” did Randy Orton a solid during his one on one match with Domnik Mysterio. During the Monday night show, you can watch as Jelly Roll shoves JD McDonagh. Right after, he shoves Mysterio when they confront him outside of the wrestling ring.

While Mysterio may have deserved it, this move deeply upset Rhea Ripley, the Women’s World Champion.

What Happened Next

Shortly after the match, Ripley posted, “That’s a DQ!, @DomMysterio35 beat @RandyOrton thanks to that Jelly Dude!”

Technically, Orton actually won the match. This match was the first he won since returning after a year break. After the match, Orton approached Jelly and thanked him for his assistance during the match.

Jelly Roll stated, “It felt awesome! I just felt like I was backing my boy.” He admitted the only reason he was at the Monday night WWE Raw, was for the long-overdue return of, Randy Orton.

After Jelly Rolls Shove

Orton shared, “Dude, I’m so glad you came. If you wouldn’t have come, I might have been a little in a little bit of a predicament.”

The shove seemed to have affected Mysterio twice as he made his way back to the ring. Orton then picked up his opponent and tossed him onto the broadcaster’s table. Not too long after, it was over. But, will there be a sequel?

Jelly Follows Up With Interview

Jelly Roll stated in his interview at the top, “I knew when the crowd started cheering as I stood up, that I was doing the right thing.” He followed with, “I feel like there’s some unfinished business now. Makes me wanna lose a little weight and go kick Domnick’s a**.” He talked of being behind stage in the locker room, and how he was starstruck the entire night. He went on saying, “I’ve been to all kinds of award shows and crazy stuff, but, I’ve never been more starstruck than I have been tonight.’

Jelly was asked in his interview, “Do you have a favorite WWE moment, or match, or anything as a fan?” He responded with, “I remember as a child the introduction of Kane the Undertaker, and the fear that struck through my little heart as a child.” He said it was a moment that will stick with him forever.

While Jelly was introduced to Orton, he wasn’t the only WWE star Jelly Roll had the pleasure of meeting on WWE’s Monday Night Raw. He also was very formally introduced to, Alpha Academy.

Are you a fan of WWE Monday Night Raw? Did you watch this one where Jelly shoved Mysterio? What did you think? Comment and let us know!


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